

Breed:  Hound mix
Sex:  Male
Date of Birth12/4/17
Weight:   34 lbs
Spayed/Neutered:  Not yet
Energy Level:  Very active and energetic
Good with children:  Yes, with children of all ages
Good with cats:  Unknown
Good with dogs:  Yes, males and females

About Sammy:

We are still learning about this little guy, but so far we can report that is very sweet and little scared of his new environment.  He is learning how to play with other dogs by following them around – we are confident he will catch on to how it works!  He was in a high-kill shelter where the volunteers and staff fell in love with him and coudn’t bear to see him euthanized because he is so calm and good natured.  We couldn’t agree more so now he is safe with us and looking for his home!


Posted on

August 10, 2017